Rights: We seek first publication rights, but we are also willing to consider reprinting a previously published piece of work under certain conditions. All other rights are yours.
Simultaneous submissions: Accepted. Please notify us if your work is published elsewhere before we get back to you.
Response time: 2-4 months. As we have limited resources, we’ll do our best to keep up with submissions.
Please include your name and email on the first page of your submission.
Rock River Review is UW-Janesville’s premier literary journal. We publish once per year (typically in May) but we accept submissions year-round. We are currently looking for:
Fiction - Up to 4,000 words. Make it interesting. We don’t have a special theme per issue … we’re looking for quality fiction. Period.
Poetry - You may submit up to 5 poems for consideration.
Non-fiction - Up to 4,000 words.
Art and photography - You may submit up to 5 works of art for consideration.
Voices of Janesville - Our online presence will have a special section devoted to people who live in Janesville, Wisconsin and want to share their story.
In addition to publishing a print edition, we will also regularly publish short stories and poems on the website.
Ready to submit? Click here to send us an email. (urock . journal @ gmail . com <— remove the spaces first!)
Simultaneous submissions: Accepted. Please notify us if your work is published elsewhere before we get back to you.
Response time: 2-4 months. As we have limited resources, we’ll do our best to keep up with submissions.
Please include your name and email on the first page of your submission.
Rock River Review is UW-Janesville’s premier literary journal. We publish once per year (typically in May) but we accept submissions year-round. We are currently looking for:
Fiction - Up to 4,000 words. Make it interesting. We don’t have a special theme per issue … we’re looking for quality fiction. Period.
Poetry - You may submit up to 5 poems for consideration.
Non-fiction - Up to 4,000 words.
Art and photography - You may submit up to 5 works of art for consideration.
Voices of Janesville - Our online presence will have a special section devoted to people who live in Janesville, Wisconsin and want to share their story.
In addition to publishing a print edition, we will also regularly publish short stories and poems on the website.
Ready to submit? Click here to send us an email. (urock . journal @ gmail . com <— remove the spaces first!)